Reflective Practice Group
A new reflective practice group for recently qualified DMPs who are not in private practice.
This group offers a supportive space for DMPs to participate in a group for reflecting on their clinical practice, and their personal and professional development, in a creative and collaborative way. Each session will have a theme- shared in advance- for our exploration and discussion, and all participants will be invited to bring examples from their experience and to suggest themes for exploration.
A reflective practice group is different to a supervision group, in that the focus is on the experience of the therapist rather than the clients, though of course our clients or patients inform our work. It’s more about the emotional experience of the therapeutic work, a space where we come together to reflect on the personal and professional impact of our work on ourselves as practitioners, and to make creative suggestions for future practice. Supervision, on the other hand, looks at specific issues arising from client work, and provides us with a framework for working through these.
A commitment to regular attendance is encouraged. All are welcome to an initial session to try it out, with no obligation to continue.
If you’d like to get involved, please complete this Google Form, where you can also submit any questions:
Fridays - beginning on 28th February
Kensington Counselling Rooms, 2nd Floor, 125 Gloucester Road, London SW7 4TE
Approx. every 5 weeks
February 28th, April 4th, May 16th, June 27th, July 25th
3 - 5pm
£30 - £25 sliding scale